Monday, August 23, 2010

Strange Letter # 1--A Letter to Your Drug of Choice

Dear Caffeine,

What would I do without you? Sure, you have as many more negative effects than marijuana, but what is pleasure without risk? The subtle danner makes the vice all the sweeter. Besides, abusing you is about as edgy as I get.

You got me through a 22 hour road trip, eight AM lecture classes, and even a couple chick flicks which suffering through did not get me anything else, if you know what I mean and I think you do. I say in all honesty, you have been my most consistently faithful pal.

I feel like I betrayed you for a while there after y colon ruptured, but I would like to think you understood. You have, after all, been there with me through everything else. At any rate, I have forgiven you for the withdrawal symptoms I suffered once I quit you cold turkey during my convalescence. It is the mark of true friendship oe feels pain when forcibly separated. I suspect you never thought of me, though.

No matter. I remain ever faithful.
