Wednesday, December 10, 2003

The Endorsement

All media are abuzz about Al Gore and his endorsement of Howard Dean for President. The bulk ofthe chatter is speculation as to why Gore would endorse Dean and not his old running mate, Sen. Leiberman. Some attribute some sinster, self-serving power brokering on Gore's part, that he is somehow setting all this up ro benefit himself. Allow me to offer something much less conspiratorial: Gore endorsed Dean because he thought Dean would be the best man for the job.

This doesn't change the fact that Dean, the darling of the far Left, will go down in flames just as Dukakisand McGovern did before him. Nevertheless, it has been fun over the last two days to watch the other candidates snipe at each other in frustration. While the endorsement may not help in the general election, it will help Dean pretty much sew up the Democratic nomination.

I still am voting for Bush, of course.