Friday, September 3, 2010


It's the Friday before a long weekend, so we all know that you aren't being productive at work. They might as well give everyone this day off too, but unfortunately for most of you they don't. I however took a day off to head to Ann Arbor early. It's that time of year again when I get to go play college under the pretense of going back for football games. While this is awesome for me, it sucks for you. Obviously I won't be posting anything throughout the day to keep your mind occupied until you finally decide to slip out(not to be confused with in) the back door at 1pm.  Thanks to the people at NASA and a few Russian billionaires though, I have devised a scheme in which my pet monkey will log on to The Skinny tomorrow morning and post this for me. If you are reading these words, you already know. It worked. Enjoy your celebrations of labor this weekend; try to make some stories happen.