Friday, September 17, 2010

Formspring Question # 44-On the Cutting Room Floor Edition

Is Apocalypse Cinema dead?
No, it is just the plan I had for it sounded better in theory than execution. I created a master list o movies I have easy access to, either through my own DVDs, left over from my mother’s old video store, online…whatever. Each film was supposed to be connected to one another through an actor or production team member. Occasionally, I had to include a movie I am not too thrilled to watch again in order to keep the line going. Such is the problem.

I watched Back to School last month, which I was happy to do. Rodney Danerfield is hilarious. The plan was for Ned Beatty, who played the university dean named Martin (Dean Martin…get it?) to the Superman series, wherein he played lex Luthor’s bumbling assistant, Otis. But I just have not been able to bring myself to watch the Superman films again.

Call me immature if you wish, but I still like collecting comic books as much as I did in my youer days. I cannot see well enough to read them anymore, so it is pleasure I can o longer partake in. The sense of loss makes it tough to partake in anything which reminds me of better times when I could partake in my favorite hobby. While I have never been a big fan of Superman, the original films are as true to the comics as any movie series to originate from them. Ergo, watching the films is more emotional than it should reasonably be. A weird dilemma, ut one I suffer nonetheless.

Besides, I have been watching more than one episode of The Wild Wild West a day because I have been having a good, nostalgic rage with it. Thereare oly so many hours in theay to do this sort of thign, so if I have a choice between enjoying myself or fulfilling a self-imposed obligation no one really gives two shakes of a lamb’s tail about me keeping anyway, the choice is not hard to make.

I will gwet around to updating Apocalypse Cinema eventually. Once I finish this master list and maybe--maybe--a horror movie theme throughout October, the moies I review are goig to be sporadic, random, and only ones I am in the mood to watch at the time.