Friday, March 26, 2010

Republicans Should Use "Go For It!" as a Rallying Cry

It would not be a bad idea for Republicans to adopt “Go For It” as a campaign slogan. It is simple, catchy, has a Rocky feel to it, and is not exploitive as ’Lets Roll!” struck me back in the early days of the war on terror. It could work for us.

I recall John Kerry tried to usurp “Bring It On” back in the 2004 election and wound up looking foolish. But there is a big difference between turning Bush43’s phrase against him and turning Barack Obama’s words against him now. One, even progressives were not thrilled about Kerry. He just has the virtue of not being Bush 43. Nothing he said could get anyone fired up. Two, twisting the phrase did not phase Bush 43.

There is not a clear leader among the Republicans right now who could make “Go For It” particularly exciting right now, save perhaps Sarah Palin. That is serious problem. Mitt Romney, I imagine, is too Kerry-like to pull it off. That is one of the reasons I doubt he will be the conservative standard bearer between now and 2012.

But here is the good part--no one has to be. Obama is narcissistic and hyper sensitive about criticism. It would fluster him for “Go For It” as a winning slogan in 2010 and beyond even if Republicans still do ot have an inspiring candidate to rally around.

So I say, “Go For It!” let us use the phrase in repealing ObamaCare, the midterm elections, and into 2012.