Saturday, March 27, 2010

Deep Space Nine--"Meridian"

You knew my truce with Dax could not last long. “Meridian” is by far the worst episode of the season.

But to be fair, it is not all Dax’s fault. The story is based on a musical called Brigadoon. The musical is about a Scottish town that reappears every one hundred years. In this episode, a planet called meridian appears every sixty years, then turns into pure energy. Dax falls in love with a scientist named Deral and decides to stay with him forever. It turns out she cannot travel along with the planet when it converts to energy, so the love affair is abruptly ended.

They got my hopes up thinking I would be rid of Dax for the next sixty years. Darn you! Darn you all!

The B-story is actually worse. Quark has to create a holographic copy of Kira for a customer who wants to…you know…with her. Incredibly lowbrow, even for Quark.

“Meridian” makes me embarrassed to be a trek fan. That is saying a lot considering the stigma one already suffers. The main story assume and the Quark/Kira bit is like something that would have aired on the USA Network after midnight on weekends. Skip it at all costs.

Rating: * (out of 5)