Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Democrats Fear Violent Backlash Over Healthcare Reform Passage

Maybe for good reason. While I do not believe it is time to take up arms against the government and therefore do not support any violent acts against Democrats who passed this atrocious law, I do have to ask--what did they expect?

Progressives have unjustly vilified ObamaCare protestors as violent, racist teabaggers. It is as if there are no legitimate reasons to oppose Barack Obama or his agenda. Sure, there are some bad apples in the bunch. That is to be expected in every large movement. But to steal from Michael Graham, if all conservatives are responsible for the racial epithets of a few tea party protesters, are progressives responsible for the rabidly insane rants of Keith Olbermann?

If you keep calling people violent racists now matter what they truly are, they will eventually shrug and give you what you expect since they have nothing to lose with you.

There is the heart of the matter. ObamaCare was grossly unpopular. The people let Congress know they did not want it, but the democrats ignored them. Is it a real surprise some protestors have now decided peaceful means of political change are useless? I do not condone it, but I do not hold Democrats blameless in the matter, either.