Seriously, what is the big deal with Christine O’Donnell? Both the left and right sides of the political blogopshere were dominated by posts about her primary victory. It was next to impossible to find any other news to blog about amid all the various fits pundits and bloggers were making over her victory. To which I have to wonder--why?
I chalk much of the left’s trashing of her character ad puritan views on issues like pornography ad masturbation to the general hatred progressives have for women conservatives. In their viewpoint, a woman who is unwilling to slaughter unborn children is not a woman at all and therefore worthy of nothing but scorn. Even casual observers of of the political is well aware of this, even if they would never confess to it. But what about the right?
Let us look at the broad picture first. Delaware is not friendly territory for conservatives. Mike Castle, the presumptive GOP nominee, was a 70 year old with a full fledged record as a RINO. He was just taking a shot at the unlikely prospect of winning the seat. Perhaps he would have been a more viable general election candidate, but only marginally so. Was anyone really excited at the prospect of a 70 year old freshman senator, especially in a left leaning state? Of course not.
Now look at more specific details. Even some Republicans think O’Donnell is a little nutty in her views, particularly regarding sex. I have to confess, the only thing I know about O’Donnell is her appearance on MTV’s Sex in the 90’s regarding her anti-masturbation crusade back in 1996. Watching a clip online yesterday, I was reminded I had seen that episode, either when it first aired or in the umpteen repeats MTV used to schedule. I remember marveling then how attractive she was. In my experience, anti-sex crusaders are usually ugly folks projecting their frustration at not getting laid. So I do not exactly have the most flattering first impression of O’Donnell.
Even if Republican observers are right bout her kookiness, is is not the first wacky candidate the party has nominated to run for statewide office in a hopelessly blue state. Alan Keyes’ career as a hapless senate candidate spans Maryland a couple times and Illinois once. He is someone who is just way too conservative to be running in said states. That does not take into account some of the embarrassingly lieral Republicans throws good money at in hopes that, in the remote chance they when, will not cause too much damage once they are seated.
The bottom line is could do worse than nominate O’Donnell and has may times over. Pulling hir out over it in frustration now seems incredibly dumb.