Saturday, June 28, 2003

Let Me Ask the Magic Eight Ball and Get Back to You

I spent a great deal of time today editing my Elder Law article. In my rogh draft, I used a number of examples of how "trust mills" have defrauded clients. These examples came from several hours of quality time with the WestLaw database--and I still have not been an instant winner. What do you have to do to win a measely 50 pioints? Anyway, Prof. Kohm has asked for the aftermath of each example. Unfortunately, they are all from case law, and the explanation of each case ends at the verdict. That combined with the fact that she has asked me to footnote my own original thoughts, has prompyted me to change my eamples from less of an narrative and more clinic and stop waxing poetic.

I am truly unimpressed with legal writing for publication. There isn't an original thought in the whole paper and that's the way its actually supposed to be. A peon law student shouldn't show up Alan Dershowitz by coming up with an original thought to compete with his, one assumes. In college, I studied political science and history. I did almost nothing but write, and if I turned in a paper like this, I would have been drummed out for plaigerism. Here, I get an "A" and offer of publication. No wonder people hate lawyers.

I gave up on it this afternoon and went for a burger. After scarfing it down, I thumbed through the discount books at one of our fine book emporiums. I saw Just Revenge by Alan Dershowitz (Him again. Hence the above reference.) It was only $4.99 in hardback, but I didn't buy it. I have three books stacked on my shelf to read before I get another. Must..refrain..from..building...up..library. I bought two canvas boards instead. My acrylic paints are drying up, as is what little painting skills I had. I'll play with it at some point in the near future.