Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Charlie Sheen Plea Bargains to Thirty Days in Jail

To offer up a sense of closure on an issue the Eye has been following, CharlieSheen will plea bargain to thirty days in jail for the Christmas Day incident in which he allegedly pinned his wife to the bed while holding a knife to her throat.

Fa la la la la, la la la la!

There was some assumption Aspen, Colorado prosecutors wanted to make an example of Sheen's drunken and/or drug induced violent behavior to other celebrities who might think they can violate community standards of conduct and remain untouchable. No such luck. Thirty days in jail is a slap on the wrist considering Sheen's history of pattern behavior. his punishment will not serve as a deterrent for anyone.

Bonus points awarded for Sheen getting out of jail just in time to enjoy his new multimillion dollar, two year contract on his still top rated, still juvenile show Two and a Half Men. A show on which, need I remind you, he plays a drunken, sex obsessed man-child. A stretch, I know, but somehow the master thespian swigs it.