Thursday, May 5, 2011

Run The World - Preview 2

Beyoncé's "Run The World (Girls)" promo campaign could finally be getting under way with a second preview of the video surfacing this morning. As usual, the undisputed Queen of pop/international fashion mogul/critically acclaimed actress/professional wig snatcher etc etc delivers the goods. The Francis Lawrence directed clip looks like a winner and could breathe some life into the most curiously understated promotional campaign in pop history. To recap - as of this moment there have been no TV interviews, no print interviews, no radio interviews, no tweets, no performances and no desperate celebrity remixes to promote the song. Hell, the audio isn't even on VEVO internationally yet!

So can one amazing clip kickstart this hottest of hot messes? Maybe. From the two previews, Beysus has really outdone herself. She looked fucking amazing on that black stallion in the first clip and the second offering is even more stunning. Basically, a bunch of scantily-clad hos roll around around the desert looking lost and glamorous. Think Mad Max crossed with America's Next Top Model. As the only big name diva that can dance, the choreography should be amazing and the visuals look stunning. My gut tells me it's too little, too late but I'm glad they are pushing "Girls" instead of jumping straight into single number two. Nothing says desperation quite like the old "it was just a buzz single" trick. I'm looking at you, Keri Hilson.

And while the hood anthem is unlikely to scale the same heights as Bey's previous singles, it will definitely climb the charts with a decent push. Airplay is building on urban radio and the Queen just needs one knock-out live performance for the world to remember her complete and utter superiority to your faves. Check out the second preview below!