Wednesday, April 7, 2010

NYT: We Need the Courage to Deny Healthcare

So it begins--just do not call it a death panel. You are going to see a lot more editorials like this published now that obamaCare has passed into law. They are bracing the public for what the intellectual elites already knew--ObamaCare is going to lead to rationing of healthcare, so everyone needs to change their belief that more healthcare is necessarily better. Instead, bow to the wisdom of an elite panel of doctors who have decided your continued existence is not worth the cost of treating you.

You know how callous that could get? The same doctors who would fume at having to wait fifteen minutes for a table at Spago assured us dehydrating Terri Schiavo to death would be painless. That is how callous it already is.

Fifty-five percent of the country agreed killing a helpless invalid woman was a good idea, so do not think editorials like this NYT bit will not effectively shift the narrative from death panels being a horrible concept to anger over having to subsidize ’pointless’ healthcare procedures as costs skyrocket at the same time insurance companies go out of business and would be doctors decide to attend law school or open frozen yogurt stands instead.

Eventually, everyone from the middleclass on down will be stuck in a mediocre healthcare system that costs exponentially more than we have now. It will bedog eat dog when only the wealthiest have the healthcare options most everyone ejoys now. Then you will see how easly the black heart of man accepts rationing. As Milton Friedman noted, the natural state of man is misery and tyranny.