Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jim DeMint: Tea Party Movement Will Bring a Spiritual Revival

Here is a short clip from a CBN interview with my senator, Jim DeMint
I think he has a point. Tea Partiers are more devoutly Christian than the general population. I suspect that is the root of the progressive hostility towards the Tea Party. There is a notion among the left that because the Bible Belt south was the home of slavery and Jim Crow laws that Christian must inherently be racist. The notion is about as powerful as the progressive contempt for religion as arival to government for peoples’ allegiance.

With regards to that last point, I am pleased Tea Party Christians have finally noticed economic issues are every bit as important as social ones. It is true, as DeMint points out, that government tends to grow in more secular countries because people begin to look for salvation in other venues when religion is gone. Look towards secular Europe as an example. Or look towards North Korea as the most extreme example of religion literally becoming the state, as those poor people sing praises morning, noon, and night to the Dear Leader who keeps them in grinding, hopeless poverty.

Do not get me wrong. Social issues are extremely important for a Christian to engage in. Abortion is a silent holocaust we are all going to have to answer for someday, asa for instance. But the ability to influence social policy in a godly end becomes much easier when a government’s reach is smaller. The tea party movement may have finally taught politically active Christians that truth.