How is your recovery from surgery coming along?My recovery is going along well. The staples were removed last week. Since they have been gone, much of the “pulling” sensation that has been the most uncomfortable part after the initial pain of surgery disappeared. There is still some swelling. I have been told it may take another month for all of it to go away. I am very skinny, with little fat or muscle for protection, so took quite a pounding during surgery. It could not be helped, but it was an eye crossing experience for about a week there. Now it is just colorful.
I can appreciate why the decision was made on the operating table to only repair the worst hernia. Sleeping my right side or even twisting to the right is next to impossible, presumably due to swelling, but I am wary it has a lot to do with this mesh patch being rather bulky and so close to my pelvic bone. Whatever the case may be, if I had a matching set, I would have gone postal by now.
I go back for another follow up Monday afternoon. In the past, two has been the usual number before I am set on my merry way until when and if another problem emerges. If I had to guess, I would say I am going to get some final advice for coping and advice not to rush into repairing the left inguinal hernia until it becomes full blown, if for no other reason than to get a chance to observe how I handle the patch repair job in the long term.
The patch used to repair my first abdominal hernia in 2006 did not ultimately work out and had to be removed in favor of a more extensive suturing--a most unpleasant experience. I am encouraged that problems emerged almost immediately then and nothing like those have been evident at all with this patch, so, count my blessings there.
I am not inclined to have another surgery anytime soon, either, so a wait and see approach is all right with me.