Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Barack Obama v. Homosexual Protestors

Barack Obama had a testy encounter with gay rights activists demanding the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer yesterday. I was amused in light of his pandering to gays last week when he issued an executive orderallowig gay couples hospital visitation rights. I figured they would see it as beig thrown a bone to shut them up for awhile, which it was.

Look at the whole situation. Congress just passed a mammoth ObamaCare bill with allsorts of new regulations of which even Congressmen who voted for it are not aware. Why could awhole strig aof new rights regarding homosexual couples and medicalrihts have been hidden in there? Because Obama wated to appease gays with something that would not cost him much politically while maig them shut up for a while.

Obama responded to the protestors by first smarting off in his usual arrogant manner, then assuring them he is committed to repealing DADT. Really? Well, he has that deadly combination of serving as commander-in-chief of thearmed forces and being trigger happy with the executive orders. Unless there issome extra step I am missing somewhere, it sees like he could repeal DADT with the stroke of a pen. Some commitment, no?

Obama is not committed to ay gay rights. Not repealing DADT, not allowing gay marriage. Not in faor of gay adoption. Nothing. They know it. They know they are being patronized with the meager hospital visitation rights. You would think as much as the Democratic party has taken the black vote for granted because it has consistently labeled the Republicans as racist and not worthy of black votes, “compassionate” Obama would feel guilt over treating another wing of the party I that manner. But he does not. The Democrats do not have supporters. They have dependents which they manufacture.

I am curious how quickly this incident will be forgotten. I have serious doubts California gays will switch support to the republican candidate for Senate, they may cynically stay home on electio day, deprivig Barbara Boxer of what is likely significant support. The president came to California to boost her saggig fortunes. He may have done the exact opposite.