"From the first moments of life, the bond forged between a father and a child is sacred."Considering Obama takes the most extreme position on abortion--everything short of infanticide--one wonders how he can say such a thing, even when pandering to Father’s Day celebrants, when his personal belies do not even involve the debate over life beginning at conception or the incredibly misleading argument of viability.
Remember he is against Born Alive legislation, so he does not even believe babies who survive abortions ought to receive medical treatment. The man does everything but take a baseball bat to the dumpsters behind abortion clinics to make sure the job was done right.
Obama also supports the Freedom of Choice Act, which would eliminate any laws limiting the practice of abortion, including the federal ba on partial birth abortions.
Abortion is an act of pure evil. Oama’s support of the barbarous practice in all its forms is revolting. But to publicly insist he believes in a sacred bond with a child he is perfectly willing to kill in the name of “choice” is beyond revolting.
(Via: Newsbusters)