Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hayden Panettiere: Save the Whales! Oh, and the Dolphins! Cows? Not So Much

For The Other McCain's Rule 5 Sunday the Eye presets Hayden Panettiere. Like many young starlets in Hollywood, Panettiere is attractive, rich, and sharp as a ping pong ball when it comes to social activism. Panettiere's organization of choice is Save the Whales Again, a group in which she lead a protest in Taji, Japan.

I have no particular stake in the arguments against whaling (Here is good summary of arguments if you are interested.) and dolphin hunting. But I do take an amusement in the hypocrisy of animal rights activists when I see it. In Panettiere's case, it is her ant-whaling activities versus her line of leather handbags:I guess cows do not quite measure up on the majestic scale of animals. Or Panettiere thinks leather grows on trees.