Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Changing Horses in Midstream II

Returning visitors will take note of the new color scheme. It has been brought to my attention on more than one occasion that the old scheme was identical to Professor Wagner's Ninomania. As I loathe to be unorginal, I have decided to go with basic black. Nifty, no? Please don't be in any hurry to point out any blogs that go with the new scheme, or I'll just have to go postal.

The new Civil Pretrial professor is going to turn the class into the practical experience I was hoping it would be. Not only that, but he is dispensing with the Virginia rules in favor of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Bravo. I am now officially satisfied with all of my classes. Scratch that. I am somewhat depressed that I have to waste blog space talking about them. At least I'm not a whiney sixteen year old goth showing off my jadedness.

I haven't worked on my article yet. I need to do that soon. It's a doozy of a job.