Saturday, November 1, 2003


I have spent the entire day drafting a Pre-Trial Order for my next trial. It clocked in at fifteen pages, so it would probably be more appropriate to call it an "ordeal" instead of an "order." At least I had the Eagles, Counting Brows, and John Denver to pass the hours with. Now that I'm through, I'm going to scarf down foof and settle in with a DVD. Which one? I don't know. I'm going to randomly pick. Life's more fun with a little uncertanty in to spice it up.

Speaking of DVDs, I bought the new Looney Tunes collection. I know it's only the first volume in an ongoing series, but where is What's Opera, Doc? That's the most classic cartoon ever. ("Kill the wabbit! Kill the wabbit!") I also would have liked the one with the "Rabbit season, duck season" bit on it, but noooooo. We get Foghorn Leghorn and those two gay gophers (not that there's anything wrong with that.) I hope the subsequent volumes have a better mix of famous cartoons.