Friday, November 14, 2003

The Hour of the Wolf

Here I am up at 3 A.M. once again because I crashed this afternoon. I'll be glad when this semester is over, because this class schedule is killing me. After Business Associations this morning, I had to go to the Journal office and finish editing that international abortion paper. As I rolled into the second hour of staring at the computer screen, I decided all the citationswere starting to look exactly alike, chucked it all, and went out for a burger. I needed to shop for groceries, but I think I did so in a somnabulistic (Whoo hoo! I finally got to use that word!) condition. I varely put the stuff in the fridge before falling asleep.

Now, I'm wide awake. I've run through the work I've done for my trial Monday. I'll be making the opening statement, cross examining the first plaintiff's witness, direct examining our first witness, and reading in the stipulated testimony of a witness both parties have agreed not to put on the stand. Heather will cross the second plaintiff's witness, direct our second witness, and give the closing statement. Now that we have built a defense startegy, it sounds like a more interesting case than I previously thought.

My Trial Practice professor invited the class to his law firm's Christmas party on December 13. I wasn't going to go, since I had thought of having a late birthday dinner that night (my birthday is the 11th), but laurie talked me into going anyway. I probably will. Perhaps i'll plan something for Friday instead. It's tough to do these things smack in the middle of exam time.

Hmm..I need to go find some constructive way to occupy myself.