Sunday, October 12, 2003

Franken v. Carlson

I was flippng channels on the idiot box hoping to take in some sweet cathode rays when I ran across Tim Russert's show on CNBC. Normally, Russert bugs me with his soft ball questions, and he often let's his guests (who are usually diametrically opposed) do battle with one another as though he is not even there. One should have control over his own show. However, this time around, he had on Al Franken (boo, hiss) and Tucker Carlson (one of my few role models). It was great, because true to form, Russert sat dumbfounded while they attacked each other.

Tucker has honed his draft arguing with former Clinton aid Paul Begala and Clinton campaign advisor James Carville on Crossfire. Franken went for a few laugh lines, but had little substance to offer. Alas, as a liberal, he doesn't have to. Regardless, my man on the right was in his usual entertaining and skillful form.

Now that I'm aware of Tucker's new book about his experiences covering national politics, I'm going to have to seek it out.