Thursday, March 4, 2004

Holy Frijoles!

It is currently 74 degrees and sunny in Virginia Beach. The weather is actually nice. For once. I wondered if i'd ever feel warm weather again. Now that i've jinxed it by mentioning it on my blog, there probabl won't be any more warm weather until I leave. regardess, I've been out enjoying it, but now I am about to head out for class.

I ran into NDK in the student union. We rarely meet up anymore, so i was glad to see her. I didn't mention her by name (I still haven't, actually) but she was one i hinted at in a earlier post as joining the Common Good and foregoing the bar exam. She has changed her mind, and now plans to join a corporate litigation firm in Florida. Good for her. I am glad to see her talents are going to be put to good use. She, her roomie, and I are planning to go out over Spring Break next week and have a last fling as unattached and uninhibited students before we get chained to families and mortgages. It should be fun.