Saturday, January 24, 2004

Quite a Good Day

First, I received my replacement sweater from LL Bean this morning. Longtime readers (assuming there is such an animal) will recall my original sweater was soiled in my accident a few weeks ago. It was surprisingly painless to replace it. My face, of course, was not as painless. Nevertheless, the scars have faded to two virtually unnoticeable lines--one on my forehead and another across the bridge of my nose. Even the lump on my head is dissapating. My black eyes faded days ago. Thirdly (hmm..I've screwed up the numbering already. Oh, well.) my eyes have cleared up enough that I can drive. Finally, and the best news, my bar exam application is ready to mail off on Monday. Thus, in oneday, virtually everything I've had weighing onmy mind has turned out well.

Now, rather than tempt fate, i'm going to settle back and watch my new DVD of Freddy v. Jason.