Sunday, September 21, 2003

You Change Just Like the Weather

I have just returned after an evacuation in preparation for Hurricane Isabel. Virginia Beach looks like a war zone. Trees are down everywhere, and much of the city is without power. Even the traffic lights aren't working in some areas. Fortunately, my neighborhood is back in business, although groundskeepers haven't removed many of the fallen trees.

I had to clean out the refrigerator of a bunch of frozen foods that have thawed out and refroze. I didn't want to take chances with them. I had to scrub down the whole thing just in case of salmonella. My roommate hasn't returned yet, so he is not yet aware that his scooter is a total loss. He's going to be in a charming mood, I would imagine.

Tomorrow, I have to putter about and restore food and other essentials as well as check on friends. Some libe closer to the beach than I do, so I hope things are all right for them. Twenty-nine people were killed up and down the East Coast from this storm.