Monday, May 19, 2003

Chicken with the Head Cut Off

I'm writing here early this morning, because I'm not really sure how I'm going to feel tonight. I have a ton of work to do including four hours of class starting at 6:00. The assignments for UCC II generally take over two hours. Now I'm going to have to do one assignment every day for seven weeks. Sheesh. I also need to fill out my MPRE application and fumbe around a bit more trying to find a new roommate. Have I mentioned how happy I am that Jeff is gone? I'm not sure what I'll do for pain-in-the-neck now, but I'm sure something will show up. "slow burn" seems to be my lot in life.

I had passing thoughts all last week about seeing The Matrix: Reloaded this weekend, but never got around to it. I liked the first one, and thought I'd be excited to see the sequel, but I'm content to wait. I imagine there will be a special DVD set released with all the entire trilogy within a year or so. I'm good for a sale, considering my new found appreciation for DVD.

I had a dream last night that I cheated on an exam and was kiclked out of law school. It took me a few minutes after waking up to realize it was just a dream. Many of my dreams feel much more intense than they used to. I need to relax more, I think.